For Adults

Educate Empower: Building connections through communication

Focus on the Family: Parenting

The Parenting Assistance Line: Don’t just cope. Hope.

Understood: For learning and attention issues.

Crisis Center (Birmingham): Serving the unmet needs of people experiencing personal crisis or mental health issues. 

Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and alcohol don’t mix.

PBS Kids: Raising Kids who thrive.

Parent Took Kit: One stop resource developed with parents in mind.

Hand in Hand: Help for the hard times in parenting.

SPAOA: Get the support and resources you deserve.

Disability Rights and Resources: The power of hope and freedom.

STARR: Grief and trauma

NEARI; Resources for the prevention of sexual abuse.

SAMHSA: Substance abuse and mental health

NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health

METH: Meth project

For Kids and Teens

Teen Advisor: We realize what a struggle it is to be a teenager and how difficult it can be to communicate your thoughts and concerns to your parents or guardian.

NIDA For Teens: Drug use and the brain.

Educate Empower: Activities on media influence

Ask, Listen, Learn: Brain games

METH: Meth project

National Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide: Because you’re worth it!

Cosmic Kids: A fun way to help your kiddos find calm

Young Minds: Helping your child work through anxiety

Additional Resources

Why does my child lie and what can I do about it?